

10eLotto is a game which is derived from the traditional Lotto and offers players flexibility by providing three different ways to play. Originally launched in 2009, the standard 10eLotto game is based on the results of the ten city Lotto draws, which take place between 20:00 and 20:30 CET on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 10eLotto also offers 5 minute and Instant Win variations.

To play 10eLotto, you choose a minimum of one up to a maximum of ten numbers from a matrix of 1 to 90. Entry costs between €1 and €200 (in €0.50 increments), depending on how many numbers you choose. For an additional fee, you can also play the Gold (Numero Oro) and Double Gold (Doppio Oro) options on your ticket, for more chances to win and significantly larger prizes of up to €5 million.

Play 10eLotto

How to Play 10eLotto

There are three ways to play 10eLotto:

Immediate Draw (Estrazione Immediata)

This method allows you to immediately compare the numbers on your card to 20 numbers randomly assigned by the game system at the time of purchase. Tickets are available from 00:00 to 23:59 CET.

Lotto Draw (Estrazione del Lotto)

The 20 numbers that form the 10eLotto result are the first two numbers drawn from each of the ten city Lotto wheels. The National wheel is not used. Duplicate numbers are omitted, so when required, additional numbers are taken from the third numbers drawn from each city wheel, in alphabetical order, starting with Bari. These city draws take place between 20:00 and 20:30 CET on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ticket sales close at 19:30 CET on the night of a draw, then reopen for the next draw at 21:30 CET.

5 Minute Draw (Estrazione ogni 5 minuti)

The numbers on your ticket are compared to the 20 numbers that appear in the next result drawn, which take place every five minutes. Tickets are available from 00:00 to 23:59 CET.

With all three options, you can play up to 50 draws in advance.

Numero Oro

Gold (Numero Oro) and Double Gold (Doppio Oro)

The Gold and Double Gold options provide more chances to win and significantly larger prizes for matching specific numbers. The Gold option is twice the cost of a standard bet, whereas the Double Gold option triples the cost of a standard bet.

For the Lotto draw version of 10eLotto, the Gold Number and Double Gold numbers are the first two numbers drawn from the Bari wheel. For the 5 Minute and Instant Win versions of 10eLotto, 20 numbers are randomly generated, two of which are also highlighted as the Gold Number and Double Gold numbers.

View the 10eLotto Prizes section below to see how playing the Gold or Double Gold options affect how much you can win.

10eLotto EXTRA

10eLotto EXTRA

When you enter 10eLotto, you can add EXTRA to your ticket to get another chance to win up to €2 million for a €1 bet. Just select the option to add it to your ticket and then pay an additional €1 to €200 wager.

EXTRA draws take place after every 10eLotto draw. Fifteen winning numbers are selected from the 70 remaining in the pool after the first draw, and you can win by matching up to 10 of them. There’s also a prize for matching none of them.

EXTRA prizes are paid on top of any prizes you win in the first one, so it is possible to win something in both draws.

10eLotto Results

10eLotto Results

View the latest 10eLotto results for Saturday 22nd March 2025.

10eLotto Prizes

10eLotto Prizes

The top prize when playing the standard 10eLotto game is €1 million, which you win by correctly matching all 10 numbers chosen. If you play the Gold Number option, this is increased to €2.5 million, and if you play the Double Gold option, the top prize becomes €5 million.

The prizes depend on how many numbers you select and how many you successfully match in the draw. If you choose to play seven or more numbers, you can even win a prize if you don’t match any of the numbers drawn.

The table below lists the prizes available depending on how many numbers you play and match (based on a €1 standard bet, €2 with the Gold Number option and €3 with the Double Gold option).

Numbers Chosen Numbers Matched
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 €5,000,000 €100,000 €5,000 €500 €70 €30 €20 €15 €10 - -
€2,500,000 €50,000 €2,500 €250 €25 €20 €5 €3 €3 €10 -
€2,000,000 €40,000 €2,000 €250 €35 €20 €6 - - - €1
€1,000,000 €20,000 €1,000 €150 €15 €5 - - - - €2
9 - €500,000 €20,000 €2,000 €200 €50 €25 €15 €10 - -
- €250,000 €5,000 €800 €80 €25 €10 €5 €3 €5 -
- €250,000 €5,000 €500 €75 €20 €10 - - - €1
- €100,000 €2,000 €400 €40 €10 - - - - €2
8 - - €100,000 €5,000 €1,000 €100 €25 €15 €10 - -
- - €30,000 €2,000 €450 €45 €10 €5 €3 €8 -
- - €20,000 €2,000 €450 €45 €10 €3 - - -
- - €10,000 €800 €200 €20 - - - - €1
7 - - - €15,000 €1,500 €150 €40 €25 €15 - -
- - - €5,000 €750 €75 €10 €7 €7 €10 -
- - - €5,000 €750 €75 €15 €5 - - -
- - - €1,600 €400 €40 €4 - - - €1
6 - - - - €6,000 €500 €50 €25 €20 - -
- - - - €2,500 €200 €20 €10 €10 €10 -
- - - - €2,000 €200 €20 €7 €1 - -
- - - - €1,000 €100 €10 €2 - - -
5 - - - - - €1,000 €100 €40 €25 - -
- - - - - €300 €30 €20 €14 €10 -
- - - - - €300 €30 €10 €2 - -
- - - - - €140 €15 €4 €1 - -
4 - - - - - - €800 €80 €40 - -
- - - - - - €300 €40 €15 €10 -
- - - - - - €225 €25 €2 - -
- - - - - - €90 €10 €1 - -
3 - - - - - - - €300 €75 - -
- - - - - - - €130 €25 €15 -
- - - - - - - €100 €4 - -
- - - - - - - €45 €2 - -
2 - - - - - - - - €250 - -
- - - - - - - - €70 €25 -
- - - - - - - - €16 €1 -
- - - - - - - - €14 - -
1 - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - €63 -
- - - - - - - - - €4 -
- - - - - - - - - €3 -
Double Gold Bet
Gold Bet
Standard Bet

10eLotto Odds of Winning

10eLotto Odds of Winning

The following tables shows the odds of winning when playing 10eLotto, considering all the options available: without including any Gold options, including the Gold option, including the double Gold option, and including EXTRA.

Odds of winning 10eLotto without any Gold options

Chosen Numbers Numbers Matched
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4.5
2 2.9 21
3 8.8 103
4 5.6 32 527
5 4.2 16 130 2,835
6 10 53 574 16,063
7 6.2 200 2,754 96,380
8 8.2 91 828 14,285 615,349
9 11 50 333 3,773 80,093 4,204,885
10 14 30 161 1,348 18,804 486,565 30,963,246

Odds of winning 10eLotto with Gold option

Chosen Numbers Numbers Matched
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 90
2 57 211
3 49 88 687
4 47 56 213 2,637
5 48 42 106 648 11,339
6 51 36 67 266 2,295 53,544
7 57 32 48 141 798 9,179 275,371
8 65 31 37 87 365 2,760 40,814 1,538,373
9 75 31 32 60 199 1,110 10,779 200,233 9,344,189
10 88 32 28 45 122 537 3,852 47,011 1,081,256 61,926,492

Odds of winning for 10eLotto with Double Gold option

Chosen Numbers Numbers Matched
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold Gold Double Gold
1 45
2 28.61 111.25 4,005
3 24.32 46.62 1,678.29 383.92 6,526.67
4 23.34 23.39 1,058.05 119.29 2,027.93 1,565.68 16,700.59
5 23.97 22.30 802.87 59.47 1,011.03 384.71 4,103.57 7,181.25 53,859.40
6 25.72 18.86 679.05 37.17 631.89 157.97 1,685.04 1,453.35 10,900.12 36,333.72 203,468.83
7 28.49 17.15 617.32 26.63 452.70 83.63 892.08 505.51 3,791.34 6,228.64 34,880.37 201,232.91 872,009.29
8 32.33 16.42 591.20 20.93 355.81 51.80 552.56 231.38 1,735.38 1,873.10 10,489.39 29,825.59 129,244.23 1,217,878.35 4,175,582.93
9 37.41 16.37 589.15 17.60 299.25 35.76 381.40 125.86 943.95 752.91 4,216.32 7,876.65 34,132.13 158,517.50 543,488.57 8,068,981.82 22,192,449.99
10 43.98 16.83 605.98 15.60 265.12 26.73 285.17 77.23 579.24 364.10 2,038.94 2,814.74 12,197.22 37,217.15 127,601.66 933,812.18 2,567,983.50 58,830,167.44 130,733,705.42

Odds of winning for 10eLotto with EXTRA

Chosen Numbers Numbers Matched
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 6.0
2 3.6 38.1
3 14.9 258.2
4 8.8 74.9 1,871.9
5 6.2 34.8 429.3 14,635.1
6 4.9 20.3 164.4 2,764.4 124,398.5
7 13.5 81.1 896.6 19,903.7 11,610,052.9
8 9.9 46.7 382.3 5,581.1 160,612.3 12,045,924.1
9 5.6 30.0 193.5 2,089.7 39,550.1 1,463,356.7 141,109,396.3
10 6.9 20.8 110.4 940.4 13,165.3 320,356.5 15,239,814.8 1,904,976,850.5
How to claim 10eLotto

How to claim

If you win a prize, you have 60 days from the date of the draw to come forward and claim your money. The method for claiming depends on the value of your prize and whether you played online or through a retailer.

Tickets Purchased at a Retailer

  • For prizes up to €561.80, you can claim your money from any authorised retailer.
  • For prizes up to €2,300, you must come forward and present your ticket to the same retailer where you bought it.
    As soon as the win has been verified, you can receive the payment in cash or make arrangements to receive it from another retailer.
  • For prizes up to €10,500, you can present your ticket to any authorised retailer and arrange for the payment to be made by your preferred method.
  • If you win a prize of more than €10,500, it must be validated by an official lottery representative or at a branch of Banca Intesa Sanpaolo.

Tickets Purchased Online

  • For prizes up to €10,500, the money will be paid straight into your online account and you can withdraw the money in accordance with the gaming site’s instructions.
  • If you win a prize of more than €10,500, you will have to arrange to receive your payment at either a branch of Banca Intesa Sanpaolo or at the Lottomatica main office in via Campo Boario 56/D, 00154 Rome. Whichever method you choose, you will need to provide:

    • A valid ID card
    • Your tax code
    • The unique ID code that identifies the winning game (found in the Play Detail section)
History of 10eLotto

History of 10eLotto

Below is a timeline of all of the major events which have occurred in 10eLotto since the game launched in 2009:

  • Wednesday 10th June 2009

    10eLotto Announced

    10eLotto was announced as a new supplementary game that could only be played whilst taking part in the main Lotto game. As well as the Lotto draw based version of 10eLotto, the Instant Win version was also introduced.

  • Thursday
    11th June 2009

    The First 10eLotto Draw

    The first 10eLotto result was drawn.

  • Monday
    20th July 2009

    10eLotto Becomes Independent

    Due to popular demand, 10eLotto was changed to an autonomous game, so it could be played independent of the main Lotto.

  • Tuesday
    21st July 2009

    The First Independent Draw

    The first 10eLotto result that could be played without having to purchase a Lotto ticket.

  • Wednesday
    16th December 2009

    Introducing 5 Minute Draws

    5 Minute draws were introduced.

  • Thursday
    26th June 2014

    The First Draw With The Gold Option

    The first 10eLotto result that could be played with the Gold (Numero Oro) option.

  • Tuesday
    3rd October 2017

    The First Draw With The Double Gold Option

    The first 10eLotto result that could be played with the Double Gold (Doppio Oro) option.

  • Thursday
    10th September 2020

    10eLotto EXTRA is introduced

    An additional draw called 10eLotto EXTRA is introduced, giving players another chance to win up to €2 million.

  • Thursday
    27th October 2022

    10eLotto Gong arrives

    The first draw takes place with the Gong number included.

  • Tuessday
    27th February 2024

    Gong Goes Again

    The final draw with the Gong Number takes place before the feature is discontinued.