Si Vince Tutto Draw – 30th April 2012

Si Vince Tutto Draw – 30th April 2012

The next Si Vince Tutto draw will take place in a matter of days on the 30th April 2012. This special draw will only be the fourth Si Vince Tutto draw of the year so the question is will any players match the six numbers drawn in the results to become top prize winners or will it be the case again that the Si Vince Tutto top prize will roll down and be split with winners in the remaining prize tiers?

The Si Vince Tutto appeals to many players because if the top prize isn’t won in the draw by players matching the six numbers drawn the top prize will in fact roll down to players who either match five, four, three or two numbers.

This has been the case for the majority of Si Vince Tutto draws as there is hardly ever a jackpot winner which means that it rolls down and gets shared out amongst players in the remain prize tiers. However, sometimes in these special draws there isn’t a match five winner which means that the top prize rolls to winners in either the match four, match three or match two tiers.

The last time the Si Vince Tutto match five prize was won was on the 30th December. In this draw three winning tickets matched the numbers drawn in the Si Vince Tutto results which were 5, 11, 43, 48, 62 and 69 to win the second tier prize that was worth €733,194.15.

If you fancy becoming a Si Vince Tutto winner make sure you have your tickets ready for the 30th April as you never know luck could be on your side.

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Last Updated: Tuesday 13 March, 2018 at 13:28
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